Your next Photobooth experience

Women sitting on a chair holding a camera and smiling
Man sitting on a chair with a pink background smiling at the camera
Bride and groom and page boy wearing props inside the Kombi taking a photo
Man with a black t-shirt on, sitting on a chair smiling off to the distance

4 photos, 4 seconds apart, memories forever!

Simply climb inside the Kombi, put on some fancy and crazy props, and press the green button. 4 photos, 4 seconds apart, printed as old-school photo strips only moments later. Stick on your fridge, keep in your wallet, enjoy for years!

The Kombibooth at Wellington Zoo for valentines day
The Kombibooth setup at Old Forest School near Tauranga and Rotorua in the Bay of Plenty
The Kombibooth setup at Sudbury in Te Horo

The Kombibooth has featured at many venues and events all around Wellington and New Zealand, from the Wellington Zoo to The Milk Station, from The Boat Shed to Tarureka, and Sudbury all the way north to the Old School Wedding Venue near Tauranga!

Make an enquiry

Need more details?

Make an enquiry and we'll send you the pricelist and confirm our availability for your date, then you can lock in the Kombibooth for your event!

Enquire now

Clementine is available all throughout the greater Wellington region - including the Wairarapa, Kapiti Coast, and further afield.